Burhani Organic Farm

Know The Process

Making of Bilona Ghee

Milking by Hand - traditional method - As Ayurveda Says

Milk is converted into curd in clay pot - nutrients not destroy

Curd is then hand churned with Bilona to obtain Butter/Makkan

Butter is heated at certain temperature you get the purest form of ghee

Burhani Ghee


Healthy Skin





A2 Vedic Belona Desi Cow & Buffalo Ghee

Our Products

A2 Vedic Belona

Experience the essence of tradition and wellness with our premium cow ghee, crafted with care and integrity, and sourced from our organic dairy farm.

A2 Vedic Belona

Experience the richness and goodness of buffalo ghee from our dairy, where quality and tradition meet in every spoonful.



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Burhani Organic Farms

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the highest quality cow and buffalo ghee while promoting sustainability and ethical practices. We use only organic, grass-fed milk to ensure the health of our animals and purity of our product. With a commitment to sustainability and transparency, we aim to lead the industry in quality and ethical standards.

Our production process is meticulously handled by experienced individuals, ensuring a deeply ingrained commitment to tradition and quality. This dedication extends to maintaining the integrity of our products, as they are crafted with care by members of our own community.


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Frequently Asked Questions


What is A2 Desi cow and buffalo ghee?

A2 Desi cow and buffalo ghee is made from the milk of indigenous cows and buffaloes that produce the A2 type of beta-casein protein. Unlike A1 protein, which is found in milk from hybrid cows, A2 protein is easier to digest and is known for its health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties and being rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

What makes Burhani Organic Farm’s ghee unique?

Our ghee is crafted using the traditional hand-churned Vedic method, ensuring that all the nutritional benefits are retained. We source our milk from naturally grazed cows and buffaloes, ensuring the highest quality and purity in every jar. Our process is slow and meticulous, prioritizing quality over quantity.

Why should I choose hand-churned ghee over machine-made ghee?

Hand-churned ghee, made using the Vedic method, preserves more nutrients and has a richer, more authentic flavor compared to machine-made ghee. The slow churning process enhances the ghee’s medicinal properties, making it not just a cooking ingredient but a health elixir.

How do you ensure the quality of your ghee?

We follow strict quality control measures at every stage, from sourcing milk to the final ghee production. Our cows and buffaloes are fed a natural diet, and the ghee is made in small batches to ensure consistency and quality. We also conduct regular tests to ensure that our products are free from additives and preservatives.

What is the shelf life of Burhani Organic Farm’s ghee?

Our ghee has a shelf life of up to 12 months when stored properly in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Due to its low moisture content, ghee doesn’t spoil easily and remains fresh for a long time.

Does ghee improve with age?

Yes, traditionally aged ghee is known to enhance in flavor and medicinal value over time. Some Ayurvedic practices even use ghee that has been aged for years, as it is believed to increase its healing properties. However, for everyday use, it’s best to consume within the recommended shelf life of 12 months.

Is your ghee organic?

Yes, our ghee is 100% organic. We follow sustainable farming practices, and our animals are raised without the use of hormones or antibiotics. The entire process, from feeding the animals to the ghee-making, adheres to organic standards.

Is your ghee tested for purity?

Yes, we conduct rigorous testing on all our ghee batches to ensure purity, quality, and adherence to food safety standards.

What are the health benefits of consuming A2 Desi cow and buffalo ghee?

A2 Desi cow and buffalo ghee is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in digestion, boosts immunity, improves skin health, and is beneficial for heart health. It’s also known to help in weight management by enhancing metabolism.

Can your ghee be used for Ayurvedic treatments?

Yes, our ghee is ideal for Ayurvedic treatments. It’s pure, nutrient-rich, and made using traditional methods, which aligns with Ayurvedic principles. Ghee is used in various Ayurvedic practices such as Panchakarma, as a base for medicinal concoctions, and for its therapeutic properties in promoting digestion, detoxification, and mental clarity.

Is your ghee suitable for people with lactose intolerance?

Yes, our ghee is suitable for people with lactose intolerance. During the ghee-making process, the milk solids, including lactose, are removed, leaving behind pure butterfat. This makes it safe for those who are lactose intolerant to consume.

How do you recommend incorporating ghee into a daily diet?

Ghee can be used in many ways: as a cooking oil, spread on toast, added to coffee or tea, or used in baking. Start with small amounts (1-2 teaspoons daily) and adjust based on your dietary needs and preferences.

Is your ghee suitable for people following a keto or paleo diet?

Yes, our ghee is often used by those following keto or paleo diets as it’s high in healthy fats and free from milk solids.

Can I use your ghee in my skincare routine?

Yes, many people use our ghee for skin care. It can be applied topically as a moisturizer or used in homemade skincare recipes. However, always patch test first and consult with a dermatologist if you have sensitive skin.